Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Tu Tu circa 1950

I’ve decided I need to make a trip to Maui ASAP. I love it there. I don’t care how on-the-beaten-path it is, I still love it. My Tutu (grandmother) lived there and I visited her so often when I was a kid I began to think I was Hawaiian. I keep dreaming about being there. It might have been the scent of the beautiful birthday flowers my sister gave me yesterday that seeped into my dreams, but I woke up today knowing I have to go. I usually have a good Maui dream every couple of months. It’s mostly me frolicking in the deep swells of the ocean or escaping a tsunami or two but I quite enjoy it. Anyway, I recently came across some paintings Tutu made while living there and they really inspired me. I want this to be the next place where I create something. Something tropical. Something involving music and Tomoe Ami. Is this possible? So, going to find a way to get there. Anyone wanna join me?

Tu Tu Paintings (excuse my bad camera phone pics)

Beautiful Flowers and beautiful kitty.


  1. Oh, I wish I could go. My mom was just there with my grandparents and I was so jealous! Awesome picture of Jammu and the flowers. He looks so human, like a little child...

  2. Awww Jams! He's such a cat model. Only he's the Naomi Campbell version. Violent. I will go with you! When are you going?

