Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I know I shouldn't be thinking about fall but I love the new Alexander Wang. Does anyone else love those hats or is it just me?

Sunday, May 17, 2009



I dreamed last night I was stuck in a crawl space. It had dirt walls and I was not able to stand. I didn't know where I was so I kept asking everybody over and over. All they could say was "...but you are dead." Purgatory. If you want to know where purgatory is, it's a moist little crawl space somewhere between heaven and hell, deep in the Earth's crust. Pretty scary stuff, I tell you what. I just started praying and praying for a way out. Sounds like pretty text book purgatory rules, but it worked. I woke up. I am here. Is this Heaven? Yay! I'm going hiking in the sun now!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I'm sorry but it just doesn't get any better than these two. Amazing in every way.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Porque Te Vas

If you are looking for a little piece of Spanish gold you should watch Cria Cuervos. This scene is pretty much amazing. Ana Torrent is incredible.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Tu Tu circa 1950

I’ve decided I need to make a trip to Maui ASAP. I love it there. I don’t care how on-the-beaten-path it is, I still love it. My Tutu (grandmother) lived there and I visited her so often when I was a kid I began to think I was Hawaiian. I keep dreaming about being there. It might have been the scent of the beautiful birthday flowers my sister gave me yesterday that seeped into my dreams, but I woke up today knowing I have to go. I usually have a good Maui dream every couple of months. It’s mostly me frolicking in the deep swells of the ocean or escaping a tsunami or two but I quite enjoy it. Anyway, I recently came across some paintings Tutu made while living there and they really inspired me. I want this to be the next place where I create something. Something tropical. Something involving music and Tomoe Ami. Is this possible? So, going to find a way to get there. Anyone wanna join me?

Tu Tu Paintings (excuse my bad camera phone pics)

Beautiful Flowers and beautiful kitty.

Monday, May 4, 2009


That is all. Oh and if someone could find me one of these party outfits I would be forever grateful. Thanks!

Saturday, May 2, 2009



Actually makes me want to puke a little.
