So, with the threat of being laid off next week (along with the rest of this country) I've decided I'm going to skip town and head to the creek. I'm going to get back to the roots of this province and search for GOLD!! Wait, that might not actually be our roots, but that is what I imagine! I really would enjoy living in a little trappers cabin deep in the woods some place. I would get up, make my campfire coffee and head out in search of my favourite precious metal. Don't these guys just make you want to live simple but wild!? So what do you say, meet me near the creek?
So yesterday out of the blue a crazy fashion prediction came to me. First I saw sunflowers, then hats, then Blossom!! I don't know how I know but I think we will be seeing a lot more of this in 2009!
Viking Yard Sale is open for business! It only took me 3 hours to figure out how to set this dang thing up! I have major blogging anxiety now. I guess I should have figured out how to do this in the 90's with everyone else. Well, welcome to the yard sale everyone, take your time, have a look around!